EUROPÉER Public Benefit Foundation for European Development and Cooperation ( abbreviation :EUROPÉER Foundation) was founded in 2009.
The Foundation aims to promote
- implementation of strategies by the European Union;
- spread the idea and practice of horizontal objective identified by the European Union : sustainable development, equal opportunities;
- transfer of information and know-how relating to grant programs (firstly European Union programs);
- supporting the achievement the targets (listed above) building partnership and cooperation on national and international (experts, institutions and organizations) level.
The Foundation seeks to ensure the achievement of the objectives, with the support and perform of the following activities
- organizing programs, events and conferences;
- preparation of surveys and studies;
- education, training materials,information materials;
- organizing education and training events;
- organizing study tours;
- promote knowledge transfer and exchange of experience
- finding partners, promote co-operation;
- organizing and implementing projects, model projects;
- participation, co-operation in activities organized by other organizations and institutions.
The Foundation’s primarily targeted activities:
- sustainable development and social responsibility;
- education and training, skills development, knowledge dissemination;
- health maintenance;
- cultural activities;
- activities related to the Hungarians beyond the border;
- sports.